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Open Toernooi Fellenoord

Like every year Fellenoord organises the biggest student tennis tournament of the Netherlands. With tennis from all levels of skill you can play a singles tournament of partner up with anyone with a KNLTB membership card. If you can't decide what level to play, don't worry you can sign up for up to 3 categories. 

For those less interested in the sports part of the tournament, there is always an option to sign up purely for the activities, with things like a cantus, linedancing workshop and dinner every night!

We all welcome you from the 9th of July till the 17th of July for a week in the 'Wild Felle West'!

Open Toernooi Fellenoord

Georganiseerd door E.S.T. Fellenoord

SSCE Sport Paviljoen

Website voor dit Evenement


Toegankelijk voor
Sportkaart vereisd?
If you want to play a tennis categorie it's around 10 euros, And activities have their own fee

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